Friday 30 September 2016

Luther: Stereotypes

Luther is a TV drama Starring Idris Elba As a police detective in London. Its noticeable that Elba character is older than most police detectives shown in the Series, making him a bit naïve at times while younger people in the series are shown to more rational e.g. Alice Morgan. In the clip shown below. There is use of several different moving image techniques that show the difference between the genders in the show and how the men try to be calm and rational while women are more unstable.

Firstly, A fast Cut is used to build tension and show that men in the Drama try to deal with high- tense situations such as a possible death with trying to remain calm, this implies that Luther doesn't want to kill the person even though he is holding a gun to him, however he throws it away, seeing that arresting him would be easier, showing that men when catching a criminal with try to never do anything irrational and even through everything still try to catch and arrest the criminal in the end.

Shortly after this however, fast-paced editing is used to reach the highest point of tension before the climax of Luther being stabbed happens, it happens very quickly and suggest that time for these two men is slowing down, Luther because he has ben stabbed and is trying to hold out while for Ian Reed, its trying to evade capture and death at the same time. However this shows that when men are backed into a corner against their will, they will resort to using any trick they have to free themselves.

Next, A non-diegetic Sound bridge is used at the same time, to reveal the Alice who has caught up to Luther and is now carrying the gun and pointing it at Reed, the use of the non-diegetic sound is to grab the audiences attention and make them think "Now what's going to happen!?". Furthermore, Alice votes in favour of shooting Ian reed, suggesting that she is unstable in the head but also willing to sacrifice her freedom for others which is against the stereotype of women as usually they would be the ones against any kind of killing and would try and talk people out of it. The  penultimate scene  using a Shot-reverse-shot to signal another climax in the tension which has been built up even further than before. its used to show how  Ian Reeds fate is decided in one fell swoop before Alice pulls the trigger by another male who can't keep his cool and shouts "Do It!". This goes against the stereotype of men that we have had through the scene with Luther and Reed being calm for most of it but now another man has come in and lost his cool, showing that all men can't keep their emotions in check for too long.

Finally, a panning shot is used to show climax of the situation as Ian Reed is shot by Alice and subsequently dies. Its used to demonstrate the end of action and the end of the climax before quickly falling down, furthermore synchronous sound is used to cause an echo effect that last for a few seconds after the shotgun is fired possibly to show that its done and Alice has killed Ian. the fact that its Alice that shots Ian also goes against women stereotypes and is usually not a Women to deal a killing blow unless they're in the armed forces. Also asynchronous sound is used with a song that begins playing in the background, This is used to create emotion during these final few scenes as Luther gets to feet and see The person he has been trying to arrest been killed and the realisation that he failed his job which was to arrest Ian. This is against the stereotype of men as usually they would be the ones who pull the trigger to end someone's life but Luther doesn't, Even it that person killed a family member he would try and arrest that person instead which implies that Luther is a Man who is only concerned about doing his job and doing it well which is a stereotype of men as if they didn't do their job they could be fired.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Male gaze theory in the Music videos

The male gaze is a Term. coined by Laura Mulvey in 1975 and details how films are shown th the public in the perspective of a heterosexual male. She goes on to state that because of the male gaze, women are presented as objects within the films they star in and women watching these films must experience the narrative from a mans perspective, leading to women being critical of each other as if they were a man. This can be evident in several music videos from various artists.

Fergie: MILF $

The music video Consists of a milkman ending up in a neighbourhood of attractive women. followed by Fergie and backup dancers dancing in questionable clothing. In the music video, women are presented as sexual objects. The video exploits this with the clothing that the women wear throughout the video. Furthermore the lyrics in the song support this by almost painting women as nothing more sex objects, this is done through sexual innuendo's ' I could whip it up' and ' Comin in the front door, leavin in the back door'. The song is almost a perfect stereotype of what the male gaze is by  pretty much depicting women as sexual objects since the music video spends a good chunk of time focusing of the features of an attractive woman. Despite this however the Song could be aimed at both men and women alike because some women would prefer to watch music videos and films through the male gaze and would therefore live up to the male gaze and enjoy the song and music video because it shows them in their opinion doing what they do best, whilst the music video is also for men because of how it shows women in the music video which fits the male gaze and would therefore appeal to a lot of men simply because of the nature of the music video being very stereotypical of the male gaze.

Comin in the front door, leavin at the back door

Comin in the front door, leavin at the back door

Monday 19 September 2016

Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Research

Producers/Directors and writers:

Star wars: the force awakens was produced by these 3 companies: Lucas films, which is George Lucas's own company which is always associated with star wars since the original trilogy;   True north Productions and Bad Robot. The producers were Kathleen Kennedy; J.J Abrams' and Bryan Burk. It was Directed by J.J Abrams' who has directed by Star Trek remakes as well Mission impossible III and Super 8. The Writers for the film were: Lawrence Kadsan; J.J Abrams'; Michael Arnit and George Lucas.

Cast/ Main Actors in the film: 

  • Harrison Ford: Han Solo 
  • Mark Hamill: Luke Skywalker
  • Carrie Fisher: Princess Leia
  • Adam Driver: Kylo Ren
  • Daisy Ridley: Rey
  • John Boyega: Finn

Budget and location:

The film was green lit by Disney In October 2012, with filming beginning in April 2014. it was shot across the world in places such as Abu Dhabi and Iceland with photography done in Ireland And in Pinewood Studios in England. Filming was  finished by November 2014. it had a estimated $245.000.000 budget.

Screenings and Critical Reception:

On its opening weekend, Star wars was shown on 5337 screens across the world and overall, over 30,000 screenings took place, earning over $57.000.000 on its opening was in cinemas until April 2016 when the first Blu-ray copies started coming out. According to Rotten Tomatoes, the film has very positive reviews with an average score of 92% from reviewers and a audience score of 89%.

Box office and Music:

It made $936,627,416 in the US box office alone with it making $2,026,638,964 worldwide. it surpassed the 1 billion in just 12 days and it the 3rd film to surpass 2 billion.  Making it the 2nd largest grossing film ever made, only beaten by James Cameron's Avatar. In China it went on to make 30.7 million dollars. The score was composed by John Williams who also composed the originals and the prequels as well as the Indiana Jones Films.

Marketing and tie-ins:

Star wars Was marketed from November 28th 2014 with a teaser trailer. it quickly gained views on YouTube, 2 weeks later several mock Trading cards were released showing some of the characters names. A second teaser trailer was released April 2015 which broke the Guinness world record for most viewed movie trailer in 24 hours. At the 2015 Comic-Con , a panel was held with the actors along with behind-the-scenes footage.There were also Star Wars marathons in cinemas across the US showing all 6 films prior to the 7th. Tie-ins wise.there several books and comics released prior to its release. There is also a novelization of the film released in January 2016 and a marvel comic series adaptation which came out in June 2016. On September 4th last year all official merchandise for Star Wars The force Awakens was released.

SFX And issues during production:

The special effects in Star wars; The force Awakens were done by Industrial light & magic who are Lucas Film's own VFX and animation studio. There was and big issue during production with mark Hamill initially refusing to have a role in the film. in the end a settlement was agreed with him being in right at the end of the film. Also Harrison Ford was reportadley injured during filming which caused filming to be delayed for a few days.

Friday 16 September 2016

Our Girl: how does it show stereotypes in Gender??

Our girl is a BBC TV drama Staring Michelle Keegan as Lance Corporal Georgie Lane, an Army medic who is sent on a humanitarian tour of Kenya. Throughout the Drama there are many examples of stereotyping that are either counter the stereotype of gender and women by Lane; or used to support the stereotype of women and gender. We're going to focus on Gender and how it shows these stereotypes .


Gender is a big stereotype in Our Girl. Firstly, its in the Title of the drama. which the suggestion of "Our" being that she belongs to someone or a group of people meaning she is under ownership of them. This is a stereotype because it means that Lane is under ownership of someone constantly whether is be her fiancée; army battalion or hostages, its also a way of her being looked down upon as in "you're our girl so you have to be with us". Which can be seen as sexist in a way.

Furthermore, Lane's role in Our Girl is to be a medic. Which could be seen as a suggestion that she is not strong enough to be a part of the actual army and instead needs to catered for the injured, similar to how a nurse is responsible for helping people in a hospital whilst doctors do the proper procedures and surgeries. This suggests that women are unable to fight and should be protected from danger. Along with this is the fact that Lane is the only woman in her group of soldiers. This counters the argument of only men being in the army as there are some women but their roles are usually reduced to a field medic like Keegan's character is. Even if they have training with weapons and can use them effectively which then supports the stereotype of woman being unable to defend themselves in war and that men have to.

Picture of the army squad. lane is the only woman present in the squad.

 Finally, Our Girl shows Stereotypes in the fact that after the first episode, Georgie is kidnapped by extremist forces and becomes a damsel in distress for the men to rescue. The is a huge stereotype in that women are defenseless when they are attacked and can't fight back leaving them easy to be kidnapped and used as ransom for the men to either attempt an rescue operation or pay the ransom. Another point of note is that when Lane is kidnapped and the men come to where she was kidnapped from, they are all focusing on finding here, believing her to be a high priority, the counters stereotypes as it shows that women are important then men however this also supports the stereotype of women being unable to fight and have to rely on men to come and save them from any peril they are thrown in to. 

Focus on when Lane is kidnapped:

When Lane is captured and the End of episode 1. The director uses a variety of Camera shots; editing and Sounds to create a tense atmosphere as well as show Lane to become more stereotypical because of her capture. Firstly there is an abundant amount of fast-paced editing to show how hectic the scene has become with multiple uses of median shots and tracking shots used to show the audience just how grim the situation has become, especially when cutting from Lane ducking for cover in the back of the ambulance and where the people in the front of the ambulance get shot at by terrorists. Furthermore sound bridges are used to show how fast-paced the action is and that as one character says something the other characters are quickly reacting to it.  This shows the vulnerability of Lane as she is now just a British girl who is all alone in a place where she is not wanted and that the men approaching her cold; calculated and aggressive to anyone they don't like. lane is stereotyped here because of the fact that she is no longer a counter-stereotype, instead she has become more of a stereotype of women in that they cannot fight back and need someone to rescue them. Also at the end of the episode, a crane shot is used to show how far away lane is from rescue and that she is disconnected from her friends back in the armed forces.

At the Start of episode 2, Lane is shown to be carried off the truck and almost executed by A man in black. The man in black is represented as the leader of the other terrorists since he is dressed differently to all of them, he is also shown to be someone who doesn't mess around and just gets the job done. he is also a white British man which shows that he is the dominant one in the situation and that he has converted to whatever religion the other terrorists support to give his character a sense of reality since some British people have gone over to places like Syria and joined extreme militants groups such as ISIS. Moreover, Lane is shown to be completely helpless against the terrorists as she is all alone and surrounded by enemies, She pulls off her dog tags to signify that she doesn't want the terrorists to find out that she is a member of the British armed forces because otherwise she would be killed. This implies that she is trying to be secretive and don't want something men to find out. Furthering supporting her stereotype of women. The use of synchronous sound indicates that the situation lane is in very tense. With the sound of a gun being loaded and her pleading for mercy show that she is trying to use the fact she is a woman to escape death. This supports her stereotype because she is spared and kept as a prisoner meaning she is being used as a damsel in distress for the rest of the men to rescue her, meaning she is helpless until rescued, similar to fairy tales in which her hero rescues the princess, a stereotype which is replicated here.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

1.An institution (in the film industry)

Definition: any company or organisation that produces, distributes or exhibits films. The BBC makes films with their BBC Films arm; Channel4's Film Four produces films, Working Title also produce films, as does Vertigo Films, etc. Some institutions need to join with other institutions which distribute films. Vertigo Films is able to distribute its own films, Channel Four distributed Slumdog Millionaire through Pathe. Working Title's distribution partner is Universal, a huge US company which can make, distribute and show films. The type of owner ship within an institution matters as, for instance, Channel 4 and the BBC are able to show their own films at an earlier stage than other films made by other institutions. They are also better placed to cross-promote their in-house films within their media organisations. Use you work on Film Four as the basis for most of what you write, Moon is a good cross comparison as Duncan Jones had to create his own institution just to get the film made.

2.Distribution and Marketing

Definition: the business of getting films to their audiences by booking them for runs into cinemas and taking them there in vans or through digital downloads; distributors also create the marketing campaign for films producing posters, trailers, websites, organise free previews, press packs, television interviews with the "talent", sign contracts for promotions, competitions, etc. Distributors use their know-how and size to ensure that DVDs of the film end up in stores and on supermarket shelves. Distributors also obtain the BBFC certificate, and try to get films released as the most favourable times of the year for their genre, etc.


Definition: showing films in cinemas or on DVD. Media attention through opening nights and premieres How the audience can see the film: in cinemas, at home, on DVD, through downloads, through television, including premieres, the box office take in the opening weeks; audience reviews which includes those of the film critics, ordinary people, cinemas runs; awards in festivals, The Oscars, BAFTAS, etc.


Definition: The unintended use of an institution’s media text (i.e. a film) by OTHER PEOPLE who use the film or parts of it to form new texts. What happens to a film, etc. after the public get their hands on it using digital technology.  Also relates to the selling of the product to the audience.

Examples: People unconnected to the institution/ film using WEB 2.0 applications such as Youtube, Blogger, reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, buzzfeed to discuss the film or edit parts together to form a new text which they may then put a new soundtrack to and publish on Youtube, etc. When you add a trailer from a site like YouTube on your blog you have been engaging with exchange. 

5.Vertical and Horizontal Integration

Definition: Absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in all aspects of a product's manufacture from raw materials to distribution.

Example: Vivendi Universal have integrated film, music, web and distribution technology into the company, including owning big stakes in cables and wires that deliver these services. Therefore they are vertically integrated because they own all the different companies involved in film, from production to distribution to exhibition. They are also horizontally integrated because they have all the expertise for producing media content under one roof – films, TV, magazines, books, music, games thus being able to produce all the related media content for one film under the same roof (see synergy). This is important for the control the institution has over their product/film.


Definition: The interaction of two or more agents (institutions/companies) to ensure a larger effect than if they acted independently. This is beneficial for each company through efficiencies in expertise and costs.

Examples: Working Title know how to make films and they have formed a business partnership with Universal, a massive US company, who have the experience and size in the marketplace (cinemas, stores, online, etc.) to distribute them. (They create the marketing campaign to target audiences through posters, trailers, create the film’s website, free previews, television and press interviews featuring “the talent”, drum up press reviews, word of mouth, and determine when a film is released for the best possible audience and the type of release: limited, wide, etc.) Channel Four’s Film 4 and Celador Films (Celador also produce Who Wants to Be A Millionaire and films, too) benefited by pooling their know-how, experience and expertise to jointly produce Slumdog Millionaire. These companies formed a business relationship with France’s Pathe to distribute this film. In the UK Pathe helped create the poster, trailer, website, etc. In the USA the film found another distributor after being nominated for the Oscars.

7.Viral Marketing

Definition: A marketing technique aiming at reproducing "word of mouth" usually on the internet and through existing social networks. YouTube Video pastiches, trailers, interviews with cast members, the director, writer, etc. You can find interviews of “the talent” trying to gain publicity for your case study films on YouTube. Find some clips from the films we have studied to help you in the exam.

8.Guerilla Marketing

Definition: The use of unconventional and low cost marketing strategies to raise awareness of a product. The aim is usually to create “buzz” and “word of mouth” around a film. Unusual stunts to gain publicity (P.R.) on the film’s opening weekend, etc.

Examples: Sasha Baron Cohen created “buzz” before the release of his film “Borat” by holding fake press conferences. The studio also accessed the popularity of YouTube by releasing the first 4 minutes of the movie on YouTube, a week before it’s release, which can then be sent virally across the nation. At a special viewing of “Bruno” Cohen landed on Eminem “butt first” from the roof MTV Awards venue, dressed in as an angel outfit with rents in the rear end.

9.Media Convergence

Definition 1: Convergence of media occurs when multiple products come together to form one product with the advantages of all of them.

Examples: More and more films are being marketed on the Internet and on mobile phones. You no longer need even to buy the DVDs or CDs as you can download films and music directly to your laptop, Mac or PC. Blue Ray DVDs can carry more features than ordinary DVDs and can be played on HD televisions and in home cinemas for enhanced/cinematic picture quality. You can save films on SKY digital, Free-box digital players, etc. You mobile phone has multiple features and applications. With media and technological convergence this is growing year on year. Play-Stations, X-Boxes and the Wii can can connect with the Internet and you can play video games with multiple players.

10.Technological Convergence

Definition 2: The growing interractive use of digital technology in the film industry and media which enables people to share, consume and produce media that was difficult or impossible just a few years earlier.

Examples: For instance, the use of new software to add special effects in editing; the use of blue-screen; using new types of digital cameras like the one Danny Boyle used in “Slumdog Millionaire” (The Silicon Imaging Camera to shoot high quality film in tight spaces); you can use the Internet to download a film rather than go see it in the cinema; you can watch it on YouTube; you can use special editing programs like Final Cut Pro to edit bits of a film, give it new soundtrack and upload it on YouTube; you can produce illegal, pirate copies on DVDs from downloads and by converting the film’s format; you can buy Blue Ray DVDs with greater compression which allows superior viewing and more features on the DVD; distributors can use digital software to create high concept posters; cinemas can download films to their projection screens and do not have to depend on a van dropping off the film! The is also the Digital Screen Network. There are tons of ways in which technological convergence affects the production, distribution, exhibition and exchange by prosumers. ( A prosumer is someone who not only consumes (watches films) but also writes about them the Net, blogs and make films out of them, often uploading them on sites like YouTube, etc.

11.A Mainstream Film

Definition: A high budget film that would appeal to most segments of an audience: the young, boys, girls, teenagers, young people, the middle aged, older people, the various classes in society. Distributors often spend as much or more than the film cost to make when distributing mainstream films that are given wide or universal releases.

Example:The Boat That Rocked was a mainstream idea and was given the mainstream treatment on wide release. The film flopped at the UK box office on release ( and has not done too well since mid November 2009 on release in the USA. This was mostly because of its poor reviews, particularly from “Time-Out”. However, when young and older audiences see the DVD they generally like the film because of its uplifting storyline and the well-chosen soundtrack.

12.Art House Films

Definition: A low budget independent film that would mostly appeal to an educated, higher class audience who follow unusual genres or like cult directors that few people have heard of. Therefore it is usually aimed at a niche market. Foreign films often come under this category.

Examples: The low budget film, Once (2007) which found a specialised, boutique distributor in Fox Searchlight fits this label. (FOX the mainstream company usually distributes big budget film and blockbusters); So does “Juno” from 2008 which began as a low budget film about teenage pregnancy that the big studios thought too risky to touch – but it found popularity through its touching storyline, engaging music and its Oscar nomination for best script. Like “Slumdog Millionaire” the film crossed over between art-house cinemas and audiences to mainstream ones because of the recognition it received from Canadian film festivals and award ceremonies like Britain’s BAFTAS and the Hollywood’s Oscars.

13.Ratings bodies 

BBFC - The British Board of Film Classification

How your institutions films are rated will affect audiences in so far as WHO can see them. Remember that sex scenes, offensive language, excessive violence, the use of profanity, etc. can affect the rating and certificate the film receives and therefore affect who is able to see the film.
Film Production

Writer: There are several writers during production of films. Some will write the story of the film and how it should play out  while others such as the screenwriters will write how the screenplay plays out and the script for the films. both are important jobs as there needs to be a story there and ready before any sort of screenwriting can happen.

Producer: The producer is someone who  is very important to the production of a film. They plan out several aspects of film production from selecting screenwriters, directors and editors, they are also responsible for supervising the whole production. Often they will hire executive producers to help them or unit production managers which also do a similar role during film production. producers also can provide funding to a film if needed.

Casting director: The casting director is exactly what you would expect. he arranges the cast for a film with help from the Director and the producer. However they also have to negotiate the cost of having a certain actor in a film and usually will work alongside the production accountants to make sure that they don't spend too much on hiring actors for their films. they must have a good instinct for acting talent and also be 100% committed to their role.

Director: The face that runs the set. the directors job is to direct the making of a film. they are key to picking the cast as well as the production design and be creative. there are many ways that directors go about directing films where some will allow actors to improvise to build more character while others will stick to a strict set of rules that must be followed exactly. However their main priority is to create a vision that matches the film that they are making.

Film Finance: occurs during the development stage prior to pre-production. determines the value of a proposed film. is based on several revenues such as theatrical release, DVD and Blu-Ray sales as well as TV airings and even during flights on aeroplanes.

Camera Operator: commonly referred to as a cameraman or camerawoman. responsible for controlling the camera and certain camera angles for scenes in a film. usually works in a film crew with a director of photography and a few camera assistants.

Editor: Works with the raw footage in the film, and cuts it up to form the finished product for the film. will work with the director which leads to the director's cut being made and sometimes released. often referred to as the invisible art due to some editing being so good the audience wont notice it.

Production Designer: they have a key creative role in film production. they select the settings and style to give a visual that tells the story the film is trying to get across, because of this they work mostly with the director and producers. otherwise referred to as Art Directors.

Marketing: AKA film Promotion, happens around the time when a film is ready for distribution, involves showcasing the film to try and get people to go see the film. Several examples include: Trailers; posters; Adverts on TV and Radio; YouTube skits linked to the film that aren't trailers; newspapers adverts etc.

Exhibition: Film Exhibition is primarily involves the management of cinemas which can show the film. These are split into 2 categories. mainstream which is Big cinemas such as Vue and Odeon that showcase most blockbusters. and independent cinemas which show smaller budget films that would normally go straight to DVD.

Thursday 8 September 2016

Development - This is simply the process of 'finding' a story. Ideas for films come from a variety of sources, they can range from novels, real life events to computer game adaptations. Once you've got an idea you'll need someone to write a pitch for you which you take to a film producer in an attempt to get some funding to make your film. Even at this very early stage you need a very clear idea of who you're aiming you film at so you can include elements that will appeal to them.
Pre-production - Once you've got funding you establish your budget and can begin to get a film crew together, you can storyboard the script. You also need break the script down into individual scenes and identify all the locations, props, cast members, costumes, special effects and visual effects needed.
Production - This is simply the process of 'making' the film. Provided you've done your job properly in the pre-production stage making the film should be straight forward. 'Film' is very expensive and difficult to store so an increasing number of film makers are using digital cameras to save money.
Post-production - During this stage you take all the 'film' you've shot and give it to a film editor. They will then begin putting it together. Special effects will be added, a soundtrack will be added, any missing dialogue will be re-recorded and added resulting in a 'rough cut'. This will be shown to the director and a test audience who will offer feedback. Often this causes scenes to be filmed and added or removed.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

5x5: 5  forms of media with 5 equally good things that I enjoy from them.

5 TV Shows/Dramas

Game Of Thrones (Sky Atlantic): Fantasy drama based around several families competing to sit on the Iron throne to rule all of the seven kingdoms. Tons of plot twists and great animation with some insane scenes usually saved for movies.

Hawaii Five-0(Sky 1): Remake of the original from the 1960-70's. believable character's with great plots and overall great set pieces. prefect modern day "who done it?" drama.

Arrow(Sky 1): Based of the DC comic of the same name. A surprisingly good story with cameo's from The Flash and even links to the DC movies. Shame if he doesn't show up in justice league.

Pokémon XYZ(Cartoon network): Might be an anime. but surprisingly a compelling story about hardship and staying determined to fight for what you think is right even against overwhelming odds. Well animated fight scenes and great characters make it very easy to sink your teeth into.

Marvel: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D(Fox): Spinoff series of the marvel films which links in very well with the films. great cast and adds backstory into the already hectic marvel universe. Worth a watch if want t know what going on in-between the films.

5 Songs

Lose Yourself(Eminem): Oscar winning song from the film 8 Mile. one of the greatest motivational songs out there and is very catchy so sing along to.

Running in the 90's(Billy More): Very fast paced song which is almost beyond recognition due to its popularity. Almost guaranteed to start a rave.

Human-nightcore(Christina Perri): Song about how being there for the people who care about and staying strong despite shortcomings. Song which definitely hit you with the feels.

Treat you Better(Shawn Mendes): Song about being in a abusive relationship but not being able to get away. catchy beat + impactful words make this song worth a listen to.

Rap God (Eminem): Well, they always there's 3 sides to Eminem right? Rap god is one of lighter tracks all about taking the mickey out of people but with its length and awe-inspiring speed during the final verse makes it a very likeable song.

5 Films

Hot Fuzz: Buddy-Cop comedy staring Nick Frost and Simon Pegg, best one of the cornetto trilogy.

Men in Black: Sci Fi action comedy staring Will smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Great movie with great CGI for the late 90's with some great laugh out moments.

Rambo 3: Action film staring Sylvester Stallone. Lots of action and great climax makes it a perfect popcorn film to sit back and relax and watch.

Crank 2 High Voltage: Action film staring Jason Statham, Non-stop action with an obscure plot with some "What The Hell?" moments makes this films impossible to find boring.

Blazing Saddles: 1970's Comedy by Mel Brooks Means its a classic for sure. Great premise along with great comedy and also good acting for the time. Worth it just for the Beans around the Campfire Scene.

5 social media sites

Twitter: Probably my used social media website. Allows people to see what others are talking about rom all over the world. Very easy to follow celebrities and Is great for when a twitter fight begins two People.

Reddit: Message board site where there is something for anyone. From Video games to Tv to People roasting each other and even politics. Great versality  and friendly community make it easy to adjust to.

Facebook: Only really used to keep up with family and friends. Facebook was the Original social media which even got it owns film (even if it was bad). Nowadays just filled with memes and rants about life.

4Chan: Message board with a twist. You have to very careful on 4Chan because one miss click could lead you into a world of disgusting images and stories. However steer clear and it acts as a great news site and acts similar to Reddit.

Amino: Mobile app which allows you to join different communities that suit your interest and if they don't. You can just set up 1 Yourself. Great if your into a TV show or Genre and you want to see what people are saying about or see people theories from certain evidence throughout shows.

5 Actors


Will Smith: From The Fresh Prince to Suicide Squad. Will Smith always puts a shift in when it comes to acting and you count of him to add a hefty piece of star power to your films.(unless its After Earth, because that was just terrible).

Ryan Reynolds: Although Deadpool has become his best film to date. he is an actor who always pulls out an amazing character, even if the films he's in don't do well, I know that he does a good job in his films (R.I.P.D)

Karl Urban: Despite being an supporting character in the Star Trek Remakes. Karl Urban is an underrated actor who always seems to crop up in films from time to time. Watch Dredd if you want to see him go Full badass as a police officer from the future.

Simon Pegg: British actor who became famous with Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Is brilliant in comedy films and also brilliant When in serious films like Mission Impossible, Rogue Nation. Still, Hot fuzz is his best film (in my opinion)

Tom Cruise: Mr Consistent. Its hard for me to think of a bad film that Tom Cruise has starred in. Every film he's in always does well and is a joy to watch especially the Mission Impossible Saga and Jack Reacher.